Hello to all,
Since I took time off work with the new addition to the house, I am way behind in my paperwork and patient visits.
This was the week to catch up and I can barely catch my breath. Thankfully, since Trouper Second Chance has come along, he has adapted beautifully and all the dogs are all getting along.
This measured food-feeding is time consuming but well worth it. And I have gone to a higher quality dog food so if they are eating less, they are getting better food. I am using Fromm’s Four Star Nutritional which is what the head of our rescue recommended. I take a quarter cup for Trouper mixed with one tablespoon of chicken, carrot and rice. Some how I end up tossing in some more chicken to keep him interested and he loves it so. I just can’t deny him. But I am really watching how much he gets. The Fromm’s mix I do twice a day.
We had snow on 4-18-11 and I took some pictures of Trouper in the snow. It took me all week to find the picture. This is the only one that turned out. Also, I am posting some oldies but goodies. One is the vet that did Troupers wonderful surgery, Dr. Brian Ray.
Today, I looked on the couch and who was up there? Trouper. Somehow he jumped up there and I don’t know how. He LOVES running to the door to go outside. I am telling you, he runs SO fast. It is like he is showing off. He can go up any stairs, down a few, but not down a flight. I wonder if he ever will. But for now I am picking him up and carrying him down. I tell you, in spite of everything he has been through, he is such a dear, happy little guy. I am just amazed. He loves being here with the other dogs and they “like ” him too.
This week he got his final worm pill, poor thing. He hates pills. I have given up on the Ultram because he just hates it and really does not appear to be in pain. He has one more dose of liquid antiinflammatory and then he is clean and sober. He just says no to drugs…..and yes to food.
If any one is interested in adoption, go to the North Central Maltese Rescue site and fill out an application. I know I have to start moving on his eventual adoption. It has to be the perfect forever home for him. He has to have the best since he has already been through the worst ( I pray he never suffers needlessly ever again).